The Siege of Robin Hood - 2022
The once-great nation of England is perilously close to mass revolution in an age of chaos and tyranny. After the merciless Sheriff of Nottingham orders a brutal attack on his family, a young man named Robin swears bloody vengeance on the men responsible, vowing to restore freedom to those trapped under the realm's oppressive rule. Advised and mentored by the reclusive magician Merlin, Robin and his right-hand man Lancelot recruit a deadly team of exiled fighters and skilled mavericks to rally the villagers for an explosive all-out assault on the Crown's castle.


Great effort from a group of amateur, first-time film makers. The fight scenes and special effects are terrific and the film features a great mix of comedy and drama. Loved the way it featured Kryall Castle in Victoria. Well done to everyone involved.


Production by a High school theater company from an underfundunded school district in IdahoWriting was done by an 7-Elven employee after eating a full dozen of TaquitosCasting by a former Hallmark channel employee that created the Applebee's menu.


I attempted to ignore reviews but, jesus. First couple minutes in and you could tell how awful this film is. Actors are just bouncing around making random sounds not knowing where to even look. It's like a food lion brand Disney TV show.


This whole movie was like a toddler made it. I actually think a toddler could probably make a better film if i'm being honest. Terrible acting, special FX, roll play etc...Made it about 20 minutes in before I couldn't take it any longer.


What can I say? Aren't there minimum standards for quality control?Anyone who sees this wonders who is waving through something like this since it's so incredibly poorly done.Every cosplay meeting offers better costumes.


Make up your own mind on this one, I loved it for its entertainment value for sure, I was entertained. I loved that it was produced on a low budget by up and coming entertainers, keep up the great work guys.


When I saw the poster I got the vibe of Mad Max but how wrong I was, I knew once I started watching it.Well, they did attempt to make it but too bad that it failed.I hope they do better in the future.


Randomly clicked through the movie and every glimpse made me shiver or laugh. Looks like a high school project filmed with a cell phone. Please find another hobby. This is not working out for you.


Fantastic film with a twist to the traditional story line of robin hood. Definitely worth watching all the way through. The live action fight scenes were fantastic!


Do you remember Avatar?No.Will you remember this film?Yes.B)Just have a good time, don't take things seriously bois. Not every movie has to be a masterpiece. B)


I thougt haters gonna haters, and gave it a chance , but holy hell , this movie is so bad ....... the acting, the story line , just everything is so lousy :)


Are you guys serious? I couldn't take it more than 15 minutes.This is a Robin Hood version of Sharknado movies. Actually, Sharknado movies are much better.


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