The Silent Hour - 2024
While working a case as an interpreter, a hearing-impaired police detective must confront a group of criminals trying to eliminate a deaf murder witness in her apartment building.


there aren't any subtitles when she's signing, this sucks. it's like his Xmas movie, he was deaf in that movie. it was whack

The Grinch

It wasn't a bad movie! Not Joel Kinnaman's best movie, but the actress playing the deaf girl did a great job! 🦻🦻🦻

Justin Smith

anybody else notice how he somehow kicked out a perfect square hole in the wall?🤦🏾‍♂️

Santia Martinez

good movie I liked it luckily I learned sign language.. For others fyi there are no subtitles yet at least.


Good movie!!! The good guy always gets the girl.....except for Chucky.

Born Math

decent movie , I really enjoyed as perusal when cops go beyond there means

Justin Smith

Overall🤔, it's a good movie. Worth watching.

charles windom

didn't need subtitles, this was a pretty good movie

K Airo

I like it so far good quality image and has subtitles but has a lot of commercials.

Rodney G.

I enjoyed it from start to finish. I'm glad they became a couple.

This movie was pretty decent. 6 out of 10


mines has subtitles


don't need subs


⭐️⭐️⭐️out of five

Travis Kiah

that was v3ry gooe

kevin gillette

W film👍🏾