The Social Network - 2010
Education genius Mark Zuckerberg sits at his personal laptop and Harvard undergrad and heatedly begins taking care of a fresh idea. At a fury of programming and blogging, what begins within his dorm room to get a site among friends becomes a global media and also a revolution in communication. Only six decades and 500 million friends later, Mark Zuckerberg will be your youngest billionaire ever sold... but for this entrepreneur, success contributes to both legal and personal complications.
Jamal Vargas
I Hate This Film But Poor Eduardo Savoreign Sean Parker Is my least favorite villain in any movie
King jeff
yb tube
money come and go bitch he've lost a friend
I can't get past 20 minutes cuz Mark is a dick and half
Alexander Griffin
the beginning was intensely weird
Ernest Morua
mark Zuckerberg is a douchbag
move from Sabrina
Lee Dill
like the movie
Lindsay Alghazali
in spir movie
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