The Time Traveler's Wife - 2009
Because of genetic ailment librarian Henry DeTamble involuntarily zips by the years, seeming at various moments in the life of the passion, the performer Clare Abshire.
Grace Freeman
I absolutely love this movie...I go through so many emotions watching this movie I'm happy than I'm sad I'm excited than I'm mad...I can watch this movie every time it comes on!!!
John Doner
they screwed up this movie right off the bat, right at the beginning, the same person from 2 different times can't touch or be right at the same place together, it's not a good thing to do, it would make both non-existent, terrible thing to do
Great Movie Rachel McAdams is So Beautiful
Fernando Perez
I feel sad
de`nice prudhomme
this is a great movie
Jeff Soule
I forgot how fucking great this movie is.
Chris Steffen
great movie, book, and tv series
James Enos
romantic guy movie
Richard Johnston
Great movie
Li Fu
great movie
Tina Chavez
thank you
Jose Martinez
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