The Uninvited - 2009
Anna returns home after hanging out in a facility following her mother's tragic death and finds her mother's former nurse, Rachel, has transferred in their home and become engaged to her dad. Anna is seen with her mother's ghost, who warns her that Rachel has intentions after she sees this shocking news.
Steven McGee
no! this the classic haunted house story that i fell in love with many years ago and I love this B&W version like the original 'haunting'whis is a classic movie too
Kenny Webster
this is the wrong movie please fix it we need the 2009 version
Steven McGee
i love donald crisp in this movie like the classic movie 'How green was my valley'
Dan Hurd
wrong movie just like every other app I've tried
Niki Ford
wrong movie
Sebrena Boston
yes right one thanks
come on man play the right movie please
Scot “scotty” Charron
Raeed Brown
Just want to tell her sorry
ugh wrong movie
Scot “scotty” Charron
Scot “scotty” Charron
it's normal
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