The Watch - 2012
Four suburban guys come together as an excuse lives a night. Nevertheless once they inadvertently find that their town is now littered with aliens posing as suburbanites, they have no choice except to truly save their area - and the world from extermination.

Shaun Ray Bell

I like how they have a all-star cast pluse a black dude with a random British accent..lmao good late night pot head smoker movie

karlene Hughes-Isham

People take movies to far with their criticism. It's not meant to be serious. It's funny and light hearted. Imitation critics are like armchair quarterbacks. Blow hard big mouths acting like experts. Relax and enjoy the fun.

Scot “scotty” Charron

wow ya thumbs and down on this retarded cool 😎 movie 🍿 but you gotta give AWAY THE FUCKING REALLY GOOD ONES.......FUCCCCCCCCK UUUUU!!!!Not you guys that commented it's any other movie 🍿

Shaun Ray Bell

this movie had a big a$$ budget for no reason...lmao

Diana Broadwell

this was the stupidest I have ever seen. lol but I couldn't stop watching it

Keinneth Haddock



just great 👍

Billy Martinez

but some of the best actors

Zhelus 21

is that starlight in here from the boys

Adam Hastings

rip R Lee Ermy fuckin sweet lips

Pat Watson

i need more magnums

Billy Martinez

ass as movie

Ella Gordon

good movie