The Waterboy - 1998
Bobby Boucher can be actually a water boy for a college football staff that is fighting. The trainer discovers Boucher anger makes him a system whose power could vault his team.
Cody Payne (XxcodyxX)
I watched this a million times as a kiddo this is my first time watching it as an adult
very great movie I have watched like 5 times
Anthony Munday
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Marcus Green
I likethe kkk football the best he kick the shit out of it
superme savege gaming
I missed this movie I wished there was more of it
Thomas James
always a great movie . classic.
Dolores Woodard
just as good today as when it came out.
Brian Newton
Tyerre Jones
best movie ever
really cool and awesome
Claire Schm
love the movie
Cj Wilcox
really good and funny
Jacob Gluck
my teammates on peewee football call me bobby Bucher
David Brown
I love this movie
joshua johnson
damn this movie was good
Cj Wilcox
asome movies
Cj Wilcox
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