The Wonder - 2022
In the Irish Midlands of 1859 an English nurse, Lib Wright, goes to a tiny village to observe what some see as a medical anomaly and others a miracle, that a girl has survived without food for months. Tourists flock to see 11-year-old Anna O’Donnell, and a journalist has come to cover the sensation as two strangers transform each other’s lives in a story of love pitted against evil.

Elena Collazo

so in other words the mom is using her daughter to get her son out of hell n thinks daughter sacrificing her life will lead both her kids to heaven... she is nuuuts

Katina Pitts

didnt get the end what was,that about

Kiara Eargle

the hygiene in those times were disgusting that all I could think about

John Parks

a little bit slow but it was ok

Gregory Hayes

WTF was the nurse taking Sizz-Zurp?

Scot “scotty” Charron

that's netflix for ya deep