There's Something About Mary - 1998
For Ted, prom-night went as bad because it's possible for any night to proceed. Thirteen decades after , he finally will get another chance simply to run up against other suitors including the detective he hired to get her.

Ernest Morua

did anyone know that when Ted is getting released from jail there's a short man with long πŸ§‚ and pepper hair that's Cameron Diaz dad Emilio Diaz

Devonte Britton

An instant genre classic movie 🍿πŸŽ₯, "There's Something About Mary" receives 8 stars ✨⭐ out of 10 stars 🌟✨. Comedic timing and actors that fit the portrayal of their characters to perfection. It is the love where there is something about Mary.

Jon Doe

" you ever been to Santiago, Chile . "Twice last year"

Eddie Hirschler

we got a bleeder!!!...he was masterbating!!!...

Eddie Hirschler

uh it's franks and beans not pork and beans dude.duh.

Shawn Humphreys

Cameron is so freakin as hell.

David Kelly

Has anyone seen my baseball!?!

Puro The Wolf

too good

Johnny Talbert

killer movie