Thir13en Ghosts - 2001
Arthur and his two children, Kathy and Bobby, inherit his Uncle Cyrus's estate: a glass house that serves like a prison to 1 2 ghosts. After your household, accompanied by Bobby's Nanny along with an attorney, input your house that they are trapped inside a wicked machine"created by the devil and powered by the dead" to open the Eye of Hell. Aided a ghost hunter by Dennis, along with his rival Kalina, an ghost rights activist outside to place the ghosts free, the band must do what they could to get out of the house alive.

Donald Childress

Bad Ass fucking movie love this fucking movie so fucking much[01

Park Wood

one of the best movies I've ever watched love this movie watching every time I think about it or it crossed my mind I'll put it on


I love that part where the lawyer gets cut in half the long way! that should happen to a lot more lawyers in the world!


[065 me too but there are some sad parts to it like I didn't like when Karina died and Dennis but Cyrus got what he deserved for real I hate it when his wife got killed in the fire.


here I am watching one of my favorite movies again! I love this movie so damn much!

Yasmine Williams

I am in love with this movie. I remember watching this in the dark and ended up turning the light back on

Ernest Morua

did anyone else know this is a remake? idk that

Perry Walker

one of the best old school scary movies

Tauras Queen

great movie


oldie but a classic

Melissa Cheddar

i cried when Mathew lizzared died I miss him but it's fake

Eddie Lewis

if you going to live in Newark you can make it anywhere especially in a haunted house LOL

Eddie Lewis

at the end the young lady said I'm on the plane back to Newark that's what I'm talking about


I love this movie it's so awesome, violent and gore!

Reuben Lean

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rick foss

it's a great movie

Charlotte Hockeborn

I love this movie I could watch it everyday

Jennifer Santiago

This is such an underrated movie!!! Love this movie!

Brian Miller

great movie


I freaking love this movie for having it