This Is the End - 2013
Jay Baruchel Seth Rogen and other stars are faced with the apocalypse while attending a celebration at James Franco's house.

Krissy ♡


Rosso Hi

u would be a fuking idea to think that this shit was funny

Chris Skeen

oh and I wish for a human-sized joint so big that I couldn't even put it in my mouth I'd have to make dip quite small and then put it in my mouth so I can smoke that I mean I make like heavens prevention flies I literally have like nine of them one for me one for a Snoop Dogg and

Chris Skeen

I would love that Nevin smoke a pot here joint there smoke a bag and a pound a day I'd be like the one thing I'd imagine for like wish for in heaven that's what it be sure that less I mean the backstreet boys is great but I'd go for Elvis really that and a lot of other people oh

Chris Skeen

me Selena Gomez Tom Brady John Stamos Mariah Carey and Elizabeth lazy and probably a few other actors like Willis tray Snoop Dogg and I think that's pretty much it I mean I know offense to all the actors here I probably smoke weed with them and I'll smoke a ginormous blunt

Alex Isfat

this movie was freaking hilarious 😂

Khmer_Infinity Musiq

after this movie I'm going to watch Elvis

Young Riley

these mf funny

Chris Skeen

everybody come on now get high in my kryptonite I'll be wishing for a ginormous car the size of a house Snoop Dogg car house in heaven that's awesome

Chris Skeen

guess what the engine would be there wouldn't be an engine it just be a ginormous weed room

Rachel Read

Weed is awsome..... Alcohol should be illegal


that's not how heaven works you only go to heaven through faith in Jesus Christ


Watching for the first time How the fuck did I miss this one 10 years ago..

Victor Martinez

Victor, love the movie, is true 👍👌🙌is going to expire in the future

Rachel Read

Been looking for this for ages but couldn't remember what it was called

Roober Roober

This is a great movie.


this is the best movie ever that I ever saw it is the best

bret kirk

6.6 I think not more like 7.0


This movie will always be fucking hilarious to me

Nicolas Etraud

athis app sucks to many adds