This Means War - 2012
After they discover they are dating the identical woman, two top CIA operatives wage an epic struggle against one another.
John Doner
for no reason all of a sudden he was a desirable guy that she was interested in, not any real reason, and when she found out that they were both friends and lying to her she said she trusted them and she was a person that had a hard time trusting but then she chooses one of them
John Doner
this show was badly made, the only reason I like this movie is because Reese Witherspoon is a gorgeous goddess, but when she first met Tuck, she loved his voice but then later she said that him being British was a negative thing, and she had FDR down as a player and a child but
Beth Carter
ah heck!!!! well pine did say he didn't care which one she chose so his heart wasn't really in it but pretty boy manipulated her just as bad. looks ain't everything. we never got to find out what the hell happened to dudes family and this whole thing just kinda pissed me off.
Tom Hardy and Chris Pine, 2 men who are easy on the eyes. Ms Reese is a great actress. Check out "Big Little Lies". This movie is light hearted, could have been made a little better but thats excused because of the star cast and decent lines. 6.7
John Doner
instead of being angry with both of them for lying and manipulating and conning her and in the end takes the one that cheated and manipulating the most and only went after her because he couldn't have her at first and wanted to prove that he
Jx gamer
this was amazing the gotta make a another one
John Doner
also Chelsea Handler is also a gorgeous beauty too that's also in here which is very much a plus too, love her too
John Doner
could take her away from his best friend, with a friend like that who needs an enemy, what a scumbag
John Doner
the movie is good to see the 2 beautiful girls in it but the show isn't made right at all
Scot “scotty” Charron
I don't get it, the kid is tucks with Katie girl?
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