TINA - 2021
Tina Turner overcame impossible odds to become one of the first female African American artists to reach a mainstream international audience. Her road to superstardom is an undeniable story of triumph over adversity. It’s the ultimate story of survival – and an inspirational story of our times.

Paula Dille jones

IF I could tell Miss.Turner ANYTHING I would tell her. You're True Fan's WILL ALWAYS love you. Then I would tell her she SHOWED me strength I NEVER knew I had. When she let them make What's love got to do with it. MUCH LOVE AND THANK YOU.

Paula Dille jones

I would also say to Tina. I know exactly how you feel about your mom girl. Me too

Paula Dille jones

Ike was a Bipolar and a Bully. Tina was his paycheck.

Paula Dille jones

Thanks TO TINA TURNER FOR opening her life for Her Soul Sister's!¡! RIP TINA WE WILL NEVER FORGET YOU!¡!¡!.....We WILL keep your music Alive always¡!¡

Rachel Read

Just got to say that lady has a cracking pair of legs!!! Great yams

Marissa Lucas


Paula Dille jones

Angela Bassett was THE only one TO PLAY Tina she Deserves ALL the awards For This ROLE!¡! Angela PLAYED IT OUT!¡!¡!

Paula Dille jones

Tina also taught US to let the Past Go... Honor Thy Parents.. I understand throw away kids.......

Paula Dille jones

Rock out The Rain!¡! Girl.... AWWW HER MOVIE'S IS when she Really GOT big...

Paula Dille jones

No Ike IT WAS YOU beatin the Bricks OFF HER¡!¡

Paula Dille jones

She Had to go Thru Ike TO get where she Got..

Paula Dille jones

She IS proof OF our American Heart!!¡

Paula Dille jones


Paula Dille jones

Don't forget about her Movies!¡!

Paula Dille jones

That's what we were...

Paula Dille jones