Titanic 2 - 2010
On the 100th anniversary of the original voyage, a modern luxury lining christened"Titanic two," follows the road of its namesake. But when a ice-berg into the new ship's course is hurled by a tsunami, crew and the passengers has to fight to prevent the same fate.

hdmb jgfer

I love the first Titanic because it was romantic and it was beautiful but now I see Titanic 2 sucks ass the reason why I'm looking at it that way it's because it's all about losing people and damn if they don't make the suckiest ass movie in the world it should have been

hdmb jgfer

it should have been the two couples on the movie that played Titanic the first one they should have played the part with the part one of the two couples in their 40s or 50s this sucks and it's stupid the only movie I will watch is the first one because

Monica Kearns

So fake I can see that the cracks are definitely animated They didn't spend too much time on this movie making it realistic

janet Fuller

i have seen the 1958 version. and most all of them my first favorit 1958. it holds fo the suvivors said when the ship whent down. but each version has a blossiming love. titanic 2 not that great and i am glad the ship building project failed or we would see a repeat

j roc

I've always wanted to see the Titanic 2 in one movie and the three and the 666 one finally I found the app to see those movies now I can see every single one including the old teen Titans movie that was made in the 2000s I've always wanted to see that one.


this movie is absolutely garbage it's obviously fake absolutely no effort was put into making this movie realistic in any way I strongly recommend watching the James Cameron Titanic it miles better this is a waste of time

Marie David

original titanic is the best very romantic this one is focused on people losing their lives

Nealious x12 (will2012)

saw it when it first came out awesome movie 10 out of 10 great acting too!

hdmb jgfer

I fell in love with it because it was a lot better part one

Ana Lilia Ramos

why does he say that the lifeboats are death traps

Derrick Teague

inwaiyednsonl long it's finally out

Ana Lilia Ramos

they care about everyone

Monica Kearns

I hat this

Pita Estrada

I loved this movie

Britany Carpenter

1 is Better