Tombstone - 1993
Now a weary gunfighter, legendary marshal Wyatt Earp, joins his brothers Morgan and Virgil to pursue his own luck at the thriving mining town of Tombstone. However, Earp has been forced to overlook a badge when a bunch of rustlers and renegade brigands begins terrorizing the town and again receive support.

Ozzie Bates

this movie wasn't good, it wasn't even great. this movie was ferociously f*****g awesome!! and yes doc stole the show (at most he was my favorite). they all performed perfect.

Taron Addison

one of the greatest western movies ever made and it's part of my top three number one being the good the Bad and The Ugly and number two being two mules for Sister Sarah and number three Tombstone and my two honorable mentions The Magnificent Seven original and remake

Marc Hernandez

Each and every single one of these men, and Women Should have won an executive award,... an Oscar for their unrelenting performance,... and their great spot-on personification of each and every character in this write.

Thomas Scott Davidson

the show...must go on...if I could xpress,techs,up up,only a miracle cures,radiation worry's,not all cool,expressed,IDENTIFICATIONS,perfect,and everything the best new age revolutions,and cover ups,shut ups,only the above,us,us...stuck,or playing secrets to secrets,the amazing mo

David James

l like them for playing the classic movies I have not seen this movie for over 21 years it's nice bring back memories

Patricia Wilson

I love tombstone, I can watch it over and over

Jeffery Scherrer

Casting, script, and cinematography, obviously top-notch. The icing on the cake, though , is the cameon of Charlton Heston.

Deborah Taylor

Living in Tombstone was the funnest time of my life. It was weird to come from Chicago to Tombstone.. Living in a place takes ya back to a different time and culture.. The SALOONS...

Rebecca Ramirez

best movie I've ever seen, love me some sexy law men

David Hernandez

the classics..never die ..s.n. I think doc stolxtheshow.( just my opinion ).

Shanaree Hamrick

I thought Val Kilmer was in this one.. just started this but still don't see him.. wrong movie I suppose??

Jorge Tirado

I'm 55yrs old and this is the first time I've ever seen this movie it was so good

Jamal Vargas

Geez I Tend To Forget That Hollywood Pictures Put out some Fucking banger films just saw Grosse Pointe Blank 2 days ago Tombstone Is a certified classic

Maria Rubio

Love them!! nobody would of been able to act like them their the greatest!!

Bobby Adair

I've watched this at least a dozen times. Always a fantastic movie. Val Kilmer can't wait for him to start acting again.


Jonny Ringo (Michael Biehn) doesn't get enough credit for his role in this. he did a great job himself


my favorite movie

Marnne Williams


David Butler

when curly bill shot Fred the sheriff he fired 22 times out of his 2 six shooters without reloading.

Trevor Bailey

you going to do something or you're just going to stand there and bleed I love that line