Tough Guys - 1986
Harry Doyle (Lancaster) and Archie Lang (Douglas) are two quaint train robbers, who held up a railway at 1956 and have been occupying for thirty years. They are released from jail after viewing their time and have to adjust to your new life of freedom. Harry and Archie understand that they still have the pizzazz when, picking their prison up checks in a bank, they foil a robbery effort. Archie, who spent his jail time stripping himself uppicks up a 20-year-old aerobics instructor. Harry, however, needs to waste away his days at a nursing home. They possess festering resentments -- Archie for being forced to endure a humiliating occupation. For having to endure attitudes toward senior 10, harry. The two pals finally return back to what they understand best. After robbing an armored car or truck, they decide to rob the identical train that they robbed.
I got introduced to this movie by my Father which is now deceased rip dad 2022 my father introduced this to me when I was a kid and I remember watching this with him so many times great memories great movie
Psalm91 Protected
This movie is so very special to me. It holds a magic that so many 80s movies have when I see them, but this one seems to hit a little harder. Such great memories of watching this as a kid with my cousin Franky back in Philly.
Jon Doe
" Hey Vincent where's Philly. Vincent : It's in Pennsylvania, : No Philly the mouse 🐁. " he's by the bar"🍻 😂😂😂
Jon Doe
Leon .B Little is the best character in this movie by far 😀 , Leon: "on top of the world ma"
Great and funny movie. love the movie legends
Braden Ahner
4449 will dressed up for American freedom train and 2100 T1 will dressed up as 250 and year 2026
Good movie.
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