Transformers: Dark Of The Moon - 2011
Sam Witwicky takes his first tenuous steps into maturity whilst staying averse individual ally of Autobot-leader Optimus Prime. The film centers around the area race between the USSR and the USA, implying a Transformers role was in it all that remains one of the planet mysteries.
William Trump
the moon scene looks like they were really on the moon. if they can make it look that real in the movie then you know the real moon landing was fake.
anyone else's keep pausing and unpausing immediately?
Crynex Hub
who else misses sam in transformers
Sarah York
I love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love this movie
Gage Campbell
I have nostalgia of being a kid again. Those were days of anticipation for the newest Michael Bay Transformers. Waiting was torture. Now we have dumpsterfires like Bumblebee, Rise of the Beasts, and One. Imagine all those poor souls of the newer generation.
Shakyra Gilmer
Transformer is super awesome amazing movie they have the good robots and the bad robots at the end of the movie the good robots save the world.
Matthew Pope
now u have to listen to a add while watching the movie this app is fucking bullshit please don't download this piece of shit app or u will be listening to an add while ur watching a movie this app is pure fucking shit
Sean Mccarty
get down here sentinel Optimus you forget your place I bring you Cybertron You're home and still you choose humanity you were the one that taught me freedom is everyone's right I will reach over that pillar then you have to go through me
Tyrone Johns
love all the transformers 🎥 movie's
Tiffany ruiz
100 and 100 I love the movie have you guys seen the new 1 yet
Laporcha Moore
I give it a 10/10 I love this movie
Christian Salazar
i give it a 9/10
Nathan Bines
best movie but sad Ironhide dies and wheeljack
Lela Green
that blonde girl is a terrible actress they should have kept the one that was the brunette cuz this blonde girl is awful
Javare jackson
why the cgi on john f Kennedy part look like a filter
Alexander Dircio
best 10/10
Hamzat Ahmad
where do they get the hot girls in these movies
Jackson Purchase
I literally downloaded the movie and it's still pausing and I'm pausing and stalling and lagging I mean why have me download it if I'm not going to be able to watch it without any lagging
anthony Garza dreamxD
l love transformers dark of the moon
I miss Megan fox
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