Triangle - 2009
When Jess sets sail on a yacht with a set of friends, she cannot shake the impression that there is some thing wrong. Her feelings have been realised while the yacht strikes a storm and the group is forced to board a sea liner that is passing for safety, a ship Jess is convinced she has been on before.

William Maye

my trippfactor, when jess is standing looking at the wercked car seeing both her and her son dead ,while knowing thier's another body of her in a black bag in the trunk.🤔🤫🫢

Static Crate

It's scary to think we could all be stuck in a paradox right now, as if this isn't the first time I've typed this.

mancave THEATER

such a vicious circle of guilt and how one is willing to do anything for correction,even in death WOW 👀

Leah Playfair

what a trippy strange but good movie


wow. that was an awesome movie. I love movies that are really smart like this one, and the whole final 30 minutes I'm just sitting there mouth agape, shocked and in awe. I really really recommend this movie

Carl Erdvig

ok, that was a very weird movie,I would recommend it


I was advised to watch this movie by my friends so I'm hoping it's good

Well this is wide open, considering the comments. I'm going for it!


straight twilight zone shit


very good movie


no good