Trick 'r Treat - 2007
Four interwoven stories which occur on Halloween: an everyday school principal has a secret life as a killer. A school virgin could have met with the 1 guy for her. A group of teenagers pull a correspondence that is mean. An uninvited guest is received by a bitter old recluse.

Kendra Casey

it's not a good movie it's a excellent awesome movie two thumbs up

Maria James

The fact that Halloween is my FAVORITE holiday, Trick or treat is my favorite movie! I have sam's lollypop tatted on my leg!!


can't wait for the second one it's still in development.

Shawn Mcclendon

this movies a banger from what I heard it's got perfect gore and a lot of kills I love it it's like in real life this movie is a bigger banger than I thought it would be watch it guys you are gonna love it bye

Maria Mireles

I couldn't be with someone that HATES HALLOWEEN πŸ‚πŸ‘»πŸŽƒπŸŽƒπŸŽƒπŸŽƒπŸŽƒ

Jack β€œXXX” Reyes

U gotta LV this's like A Christmas movie...but near Halloween...I've been watching this every year since its been out...EHHH but I don't need any candy...

Unicorn Holt

omg i love this movie i watched it on tv now watching it on here! perfect!

Missy Faith

This is one of the best movies for Halloween. One of my go to movies. People have been begging for a Part 2 for such a long time but nothing has come of it yet despite little rumors here and there. Come on already! Make us all happy!


Best movie to start off October 1st with!!! If this doesn't scream Halloween, what movie does!!! πŸŽƒ


I agree it's a great theme and just my style

Kasey M. Scioneaux

such a great f*****g movie

Earl Jones

Now that's a Halloween horror flick a definitely must see on that night

Ella Gordon

this movie is pretty good I really liked it and I loved how it all connected to each other. how. the principal killed the kid and therefore met his own doom by the hot werewolf women

Jack β€œXXX” Reyes

nice...l love this movie, I've seen almost every year... since I came outta my coma ..till they straight up charging for it ..thx zelvonic...n. o not a fuckin commercial...

John Wray

some people have this movie to much credit

Andrew Garcia

wasnt even that good but mehh πŸ˜’ its aight

Tara White (Nurse Terra)

πŸŽƒ It's always been my favorite Halloween film. πŸŽƒ

Ángel Zendejas

awesome movie got lost mid way but it came around... definitely will watch a part 2 when available

Chris Wilson

I've liked this movie each and every time I watched it. It is definitely a great Halloween movie 🍿πŸŽ₯