Unforgiven - 1992
William Munny is really just a once-ruthless killer turned gentle widower and hog farmer. He accepts one last bounty hunter mission to discover to help support his two motherless children. Inspired by his former partner and a cocky greenhornthat he chooses a corrupt sheriff.
I love this movie it's so very awesome for sure it doesn't get old! this & the good the bad & the ugly I never get tired of them! my favorite line is "hell of a thing killing a man you take away all he's got & all he'll ever have." that is so very awesome line![05
Jeff Dillon
Clint Eastwood was is a great actor and director, his westerns alone define his career. But this film is one of my all time favorites, it has everything in it, which makes it beautiful
"it's hell of a thing killing a man, you take away all he's got & all he'll ever have."
Oouuii Louii
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Tammy DeBoard
That's just not right. Making Clint act like he can't ride a horse. The man was born for the saddle.
Rich Duenas
"anyone take a shot at me I'll kill him and I'll kill his wife and all his friends, and burn his house down " Damn that's a cold man that Willam Munny
Rich Duenas
I like the way the kid felt bad for killing that man at first he was tough until he really had
Aaron Cornell
Willie Robinson
My top 5 Movies ever made..
GENE's death brought me here...thank you for such classics like this. R.I.P 🙏🏼 🕊️
Lee Kuhn
I don't care to much of Hackman though he's 93
Love Clint!!
Harry Lee
little bill must be a coward all the deputes he has !
Clint is in a Class of his own
Brad Velasquez
and Old Henry
it's funny how the little girl has an Irish accent
Brad Velasquez
one of Clint Eastwood's greatest last lines no
Rich Duenas
damn this movie is one of the best ever
Adam Mathew
one of my all time favorites and best ending
Samuel Jordan
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