Unthinkable - 2010
A convert to Islam sends the U.S. government a tape revealing him in three non-descript storage rooms, all which might contain a nuclear bomb set to detonate in under weekly. Helen Brodyan FBI agent in L.A., is tasked with finding the bombs while a CIA"consultant", known as H, interrogates the suspect who has allowed himself to be captured. The defendant, whose wife and kids have abandoned him and disappeared, seems to know exactly what the interrogation will entail. While H ratchets up the pressure, using torture within the conscience of Brody, the defendant doesn't crack. Should H do the unthinkable, also certainly can Brody acquiesce? Is any Constitutional principle worth loss of life?

Pierre Askins

been watching thos movie for ten years and I can still say,.. this is Samuel's greatest performances and I Ike all his movies. hands down. incredible

Aaronique Nolley

The fact that they kept telling him to do it then kept stopping him. wtf


I think there was an extra real bomb at every location....the big ones were decoys. awesome movie, phenomenal cast and first class script. can't believe I never heard about it! πŸ’―


great movie 1st time watching it. I would have never known about it, if it wasn't for a YouTube short about Samuel being picked up by the FBI

Jason Webb

I asked my momma when I was very little. Could you kill an infant child if you knew by the time that child turned 15yrs old, he would disappear. Then he would reappear 10yrs later only to kill 50 million people. Could you do it? 50% Yes and the other side will try to change him.

Jess Centeno

not cool,,, going on 80years living in a nuclear world,,,so far so good,,,,hoping it stays "so good",, California Native


because of ppl like her is the reason this country turns weak . The moment anyone does anything to hurt this countries citizens, no law should protect them .

Ruben Silva

Bad ass movie. I would have brought his family ASAP. A person can take pain a torture but when it comes to their family it's real torture.



Jason Webb

This is a really great movie. Sam L. is the guy you never want to meet up with in a dark alley. I'm pretty sure he could scare the fleas off a dogs butt if he wanted too. This is a sleeper that nit to many people have even heard of much less watched. I give it a solid 9.3

Captain Marvel

is it wrong that I would have done the same or even worse?


ok now I'm pissed!! how many more people died?? good movie. but how many times has this really happened and government claims earthquake?? or gas leak.??hmmm


omg?? wth?? I can't watch this. but I gotta. there is truth in every movie they put out period. don't care how crazy, supernatural, or mean!! and it's good , dang!!


f****** awesome so many twist and turns good job Samuel and everybody else shows true human nature how far we'll go to survive a pity really.


Come to our country plant bombs and then talk about oh. I'm citizen.

Mike Driscoll

did it blowup or not? the timer was down to zero didn't hear or see a blast,maybe he just trying to make a point.said he loved country


I think every Democrat needs to be in that room with Samuel Jackson

Elijah Nesbitt

wow good movie sucks how ths is done and claim this is done a lot and where the constitution rights we supposed to have πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²

Thomas Love

These things are realistic people. it takes a few idiots hey let's try to do something like it!! πŸΏπŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š.

Frank Cordi

The war on terror and the patriot act did more to erode the integrity and freedoms of America than 9/11 ever did.