Varsity Blues - 1999
High school football is a religion, 17-year-old schoolboys carry an whole community's hopes onto the grid iron every Friday night. The Coyotes are forced to regroup under the questionable leadership of John Moxon, a quarterback when celebrity quarterback Lance Harbor suffers a injury.

Tammy DeBoard

Paul Walker will always be missed. I think they should have stopped making Fast and Furious movies after he passed. Not the same without Paul.

Tammy DeBoard

22:16 he says on 3. So why does he say hut 4 times? LOL. I like looking for mistakes in movies. You can find a lot sometimes.

James Mckay

Listen it's funny to sing with Billy Bob at the football field with a shotgun. Nowadays you do that and the whole m************ swat team gonna show up..

ralph roodney

I miss you man Paul rest in peace

Jason Troutman

RIP Paul & Ron (Billy Bob)

Nate Riley

This is a Modern Day Classic...

Dan S

this movie is filthy for no reason. pigs like this should keep the name of Jesus out their mouth.


they should make a sequel to remember Lance and Billy Bob and the big game


how in the fuck is the law afraid of the highschool football coach SMH,

Noah Tanner

we don't care about your opinions

Jack Jones

come here to hell yeah