Warm Bodies - 2013
Their love sets in motion a succession of events that might transform the world that is lifeless after a zombie becomes associated with the girlfriend of one of his victims.

Elizabeth Afton

Fun fact: the dude who plays as R is british as fuck

Rachel Read

Ah a film about necrophilia just what we were missing in our films

SKY Topy

We need more people to see this like come on its so fucking good


not your average zombie movie I thought it was great

Aj Godsey

that's going to be a awkward story to tell the kids one day son your dad was originally a zombie oh and he also ate my ex-boyfriends' brains

Falcon Cancel

this is the best movie ever made in the zombies movies

Lucille moon

this is a great movie I watch this near 10 times 🥺❤️❤️🔥🔥

Elayne Brant

Super cute movie. 9 out of 10

James Sanborn

Warm Bodies is a really good movie

Brayden Lewis

plot twist they all git eatin and the zombies only tricked them

Kat Cofrin

my girls love this movie it was well done

Aniya Briddell

watched this movie so many times and it's not boring I would recommend

Gerry Inklebarger

teresa palmer could make anyone fall in love with her in this movie.

Brennon Murray

This is an amazing movie

Big Chris

I thought this would be totally gay. Not bad. Reminds me of a book Help Me, but vampires.

Rich Duenas

this is a good movie the only thing I didn't care for was the sound track LOL

Pindar pindar

it is the best movie ever seen, that is about zombies love the plot twist


Great fucking movie just wow

Scot “scotty” Charron

like she can't just get out of that hangar some other way? Wth


I love the movie and the music