We Are Marshall - 2006
When a plane crash claims the lives of members of the Marshall University football team and a number of its own fans, the team trainer and his surviving players decide to try to keep the football program living.

Fonda Stanley

This movie shows courage, determination and the heart of a town whose grief allowed them to rise up from the ashes to become a great team! WE ARE MARSHALL! RIP to all who lost their lives that fateful day!

Jennifer Robinson

one of thee best football movies in the history of football movies ever besides remember the titans and that says a lot for me beings I don't really care for football but I really like those to movies i mentioned

James Mckay

In case you didn't know this was the first time the NC AA let freshman's play in college football I do believe. But yes it is a great-great movie one of my favorites

Shawn Humphreys

This was one of the most tragic moments in football history. A whole football team in such a tragic ending for a town. Ruffin was the most exciting player.

Marcelle Decoteau

In most cases he would be right but sadly in this case that game is the last thing that town had on it's mind.

Shawn Humphreys

Great movie...heartfelt and moving

Shawn Humphreys

I love this movie

Brayden Goodman

great movie

Sheila dougherty Dougherty

good movie