What Is a Woman? - 2022
Matt Walsh of The Daily Wire travels the world to ask one of the generation's most pressing questions.

Katrina Jones

I really hate what the world has come to. If you are an adult do whatever you want to your body, I couldn't care less. BUT LEAVE THE CHILDREN OUT OF IT!!!! I have 3 kids of my own, and watching this movie made me literally sick to my stomach.

Tanya Hohlstein

n if u have a dick u stay out of the girls room n if u have a pussy style the out of the boys room stop allowing stupid to grow people


adults can do whatever they want they're adults. but yeah that's right leave the kids out of it and that doctor that had that chart oh my gosh I thought I was going to throw up he shouldn't have been arrested he should have been shot in the head he's just straight up pedophile

Aries Tolentino

Thanks Matt for this very good movie. Of all places that you went and seek for your question... the answer is just inside your home, with you since day 1. Bravo!!!

Tanya Hohlstein

if I have a vagina u a girl if u have a dick u a boy easy as that n if u act like a girl n ur a boy ur gay thats it same if ur a girl and act like a boy ur gay get over it

Tanya Hohlstein

n if u identify as the other ur a trans so get over it u will not be a girl or a boy till u get read of ur dick or pussy people grow up

Fayen Allen

So glad this exists. More people need to watch this.

luis cortez

Matt said we're having a conversation and she says I don't know are we smh

General Mac

"president" Obama is who we should thank for all this cooky and spooky shit going on with the alphabet community.


add therapist to the long list of "professionals" that I no longer have any respect for.


adult human female

General Mac

I so so so appreciate Matt for this.he kicked their ass.the damn creeps.

Mordy Strum

real mat Walsh W. Put an end to this garbage.

Justin Rayfield-Crimaldi

that was the greatest ending to a documentary movie I've ever seen. God Bless Matt and his family.

Ezequiel Carrillo

haters are gonna hate. lover gonna love. can we all just get along live and let live.

Paul Duncan

I can't. believe that we can't know what a woman is.


Democrats, the lgbtq community and all who support them are only concerned about the rights of thr trans community and where they fit in. What about the rights of REAL women? What about OUR safety? What about where WE fit in in this world of theirs?

Timothy Bakke

Haha an actual woman admitted Men are athletically superior

Thomas Fox

let's teach the trans athletes have some real men athletes identify as girls and ruin there free trophy's for cheating.take there rush away.show them there still the same losers amongst men

Marc Waitforit Chesley

I thought a WOMAN is the opposite of a MAN