Where the Wild Things Are - 2009
Max imagines running out from his sailing and mom to a land where talking beasts -- Ira, Carol, Douglas Judith and Alexander -- summit him play rumpus, build temples and uncover secret hideaways.
Alex Shepard
I loved the book as a kid, but Max is such a hatable character, he ruined the whole experience.
Logan Pakula
in remember in like 2014 in 1st grade having an entire book fair of this movie
Keosha Jackson
imagine having a stick for a arm😛
Emma Robinson
Joseph Le Bard
why did the .other die at the end she just closes her eyes and died why why why !!¥€₩£~{♤●7¡}
Nolan Hansana
the end
im max/srs!
kelley foundos
i love this movie
Philip Ijames
this boy can run
love this movie
Vlad Infante
I loved it
Ozkan Nieves
I love it
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