White Bird - 2023
Julian, the bully who left Beecher Prep, is visited by his Grandmère from Paris and is transformed by her remarkable story of compassion and courage. As a girl in Nazi-occupied France, the young Grandmère goes into hiding with the help of a schoolmate, a young man who risks everything to give her the chance to survive. Together, they find beauty and love in the secret world of their own creation.

Antonio Pinson

i wish the Nazis felt the pain they gave others I hate Nazis they all deserve to burn in hell even the ones who was to scared to fight because death is better than being a Nazi

kevin moore

The Nazi Monsters are most definitely alive and as strong as ever just with a different name. Today they call themselves Zionist.

Judith Erlitz

so,so,Beautiful,,,,,the heartache was tough to watch...

Linda Ayala

great movie and I love how it teaches a lesson on bullying as well

Lucille Trevino

I cried and I practice being kind all the time 😊

Thumper Smith

beautiful movie. touching