Wishmaster 3: Beyond the Gates of Hell - 2001
The evil Djinn goes back at again, this time wreak havoc on Illinois' Baxter University's students. His victim is now a innocent gorgeous and studious teenaged girl named and then released him.

Pete The Meat

Pretty lame movie. The first two were more creative and evil. You get to see some boobies but that's like to keep you watching. i Its 3/10 from me.

Ryan Creecy

sense when can the genie actually hurt ppl by hand it's always been by wish or by magic these must have been different ppl to make this movie I hope the 4th will be better not done with this movie but almost and sheesh 🙄

Ryan Creecy

30+ mins in this movie definitely slower than the first two first was of course the OG greatness 2nd added stakes and more to it this.......idk sometimes movies and shows shouldn't go past 1st or 2nd but it's not done yet

Ryan Creecy

when that Spanish chick asked "is there something I could help you with?" the REAL Wishmaker would have made her make a wish right then an there...what is this a love story now? 🤦🏿‍♂️🙃

Stephen Hi Up Man

I like 1,2 better then this

Arturo Ramos B Movies, series, and more

the first 2 movies were about horror. This third installment was about suspense and drama. 👍

Ryan Creecy

genie can't be killed they changed the whole thing wtf wack I hope 4 will be better than this

Wade Clark

They never covered all this in the bygone days of Barbara Eden

Wade Clark

Number one had more horror icons Should have kept that up


I like 1 the best.


rewatching on April 28th 2024

Don Wilson

me to