Witch Hunt - 2008
Executive Producer Sean Penn presents "Witch Hunt," a gripping indictment of the American justice system told through the lens of one small town. Voters in Bakersfield, California elected a tough on crime district attorney into office for more than 25 years. During his tenure he convicted dozens of innocent working class moms and dads. They went to prison, some for decades, before being exonerated. He remains in office today. This story on a micro level mirrors what the US has experienced over the last eight years. When power is allowed to exist without oversight civil rights are in jeopardy.

Mike Carr

at 12yrs old, i was coerced into fasle confession (not sxual crime)but during interrogation : i was denied a call to my parents & said if i lawyered up, id be taken to juvenile until court date & being terrified, i asked for piece of paper & a pen & asked WHAT SHOULD I WRITE?[006

Jon Doe

the system is so fucked up they take the wrong kids one case that sticks out is the Gabriel forget his last name but his step father beat him to death the cps had been to there house so many times and yet he was still left there