X-Men: Apocalypse - 2016
After the re-emergence of this world's first Apocalypse that is world-destroyer, the x men must combine to conquer his extinction level program.
Glenn Carver-seabrook
Fans of the comics know that Alex "Havok" Summers is Scott "Cyclops" Summers's YOUNGER brother. Also, Mystique is Nightcrawler's mother.
Kes Nation
This movie contradicts the events of days of future past. In that Magneto made a comment about Alex being dead along with the others, so explain how are they alive? It also contradicts X2 in the flashback wolverine has about his escape from the weapon x project.
Jon Smith
this shit just don't add up all it took was Jean to stop the monster and prevent millions of ppl from dying and with this movie it really fucks up all the other movies the timeliness so confusing
John Jeudi
When scott, jean and curt was in the helicopter and they turned on a electrical field and couldn't use their power. Scott could of took off he's glasses and see. he's kinda bumb for that.
Mari Murcia
cgnbcngjgjjffjgjgjgugjggjgjgjgrjgjfjfugjgjuggjfjfjfjfjfjfjrjgjgjgjrgurgrjgjgkcjgjgjrjgjggg nfggjtgcructuvkrkgkggkrkrfkfkxntjxnfjfbfjfjfjgjfgbrhfhrhfjrjrjgjgjfjdjfjfjcjcjfjfjfjfjfbfjfjfjrjgjfjrjcjtjfjfjthghrhjgjgjgjgjgjgjgjjgjgjgjfjfjrjgjfjgjfjfjghgjgjgjgjgjrugfjrfurjjfbfjfjjrugru
Mari Murcia
hxhfhxhfhxhfjxjfhhruffjfhchfchchyxyxxyfyxyyfybfjfkfjxjfkkxkfkfkfjfkrjxjdkfkrgjgjfcjjrcyjxhxhchfhfhxhfhfhrhfyfhryfyfyryrrydhfyfuheufufyfrhrufgjfjrjfjfjfjrurugucugufurugufufufycjxhrjfufufurhfufurfuhxhfcufufufucuxcufujfcjfjfufufjfufuffjcbfnfbgncngngbfb ychcycycychfrgjfjrjfjfhfjcgjcj
Zawraqh Andari
Erik's familyðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ whyy, I was gonna cry, he was FINNALY happy but that bastard shot themðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜
Zawraqh Andari
who else remembers when Mystique never talked and was so quiet
I wonder when they're going to bring in jubilee rogue gambit And the wolverine all together soon I hope💯
Glenn Carver-seabrook
I was pretty excited to find out that Apocalypse was finally going to be in an X-men movie. It's too bad they're not going to do one with Mr. Sinister, even though it was teased at the end of this movie.
Zawraqh Andari
but we all know everything is gonna be fine cuz this is the past
Veronica Elvir
if u look at to make cence and worry about time lapse and bullshit then ull never enjoy anything. Always worry about the wrong shit. IT'S A MOVIE YALL KNOW THAT RIGHT.
Jon Smith
this is prolly the best x men movie!!! I no most will say Logan but I did not really like it that much the action was great but in between time was slow and drawn out
Andrea Milner
We now know why prof x is bald
Glenn Carver-seabrook
Everyone Magneto loves ends up being murdered in front of him.
Zakry Williams
the bad guy looks a lot like the demon from wishmaster
Zawraqh Andari
guy, Peter, the fast guy is Wanda Maximoffs brother!!! scarlet witch
Ryan Sauter
build back better they said paint the roof blue, and hope the earth doesn't shake it off like a dog or swallow it whole. he's coming
Zawraqh Andari
heyyyy he kinda looks like RONAN from gardians of the galaxy one
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