X-Men Origins: Wolverine - 2009
Logan sets out to avenge the death of his girlfriend by undergoing the Weapon X system and also becoming Wolverine after seeking to live a typical life.

Glenn Carver-seabrook

I was so excited when I first found out that Gambit was in this movie, imagine my disappointment when I saw how he was portrayed. At least the injustice of Deadpool's portrayal was rectified.

Davon mcleod sr.

I so love wolverine movies

Frank G. Ruiz

Again, prime example why I'm glad marvel got the rights back. Fox took too many liberties changing storylines, which shows they had no clue about anything with these characters. Can't wait to see the justice Marvel is going to do to correct all of the mistakes Fox did.

Glenn Carver-seabrook

I do like the story, though. And even though Sabretooth isn't really portrayed very close to the comics, Liev Schreiber makes it work.

Andrea Milner

Today i am watching all the wolverine movies

T. Thomas

It is crazy that the whole Marvel movie universe is based off this movie for real. The super soldier serum was undoubtedly made to combat regenerating mutants. But, it was useful for the military application as well.

shadowman 16

I love this movie I have watched it 9 times about now

Zawraqh Andari

how can Deadpool be dead?????? aai am so FUCKING cofused

Mark Urrutia


Zawraqh Andari

awww why did kayla had to die????😭😭😭😭 she was defect for Logan😭😭😭

Zawraqh Andari

love how wolverine always has one eyebrow up like the rock

Teresa Mallonee

as much as I love Channing the original Gambit just does it way better. I mean for real he has the mysterious sexy going for him. and maybe iv just seen Channing in dance mode way to much to see him as a possible killer. not that he is a killer per sey just IDK....

Ernest Morua

so u c their going to have the original sabertooth that was in the first X-Men movies be in the new Deadpool movie, 2 and a half weeks lady's and germs till the merch with a mouth is on the silver screen


they said Deadpool was the mutant killer, explains about what is going to happen in Deadpool3

Tammy DeBoard

At the beginning how did the men start chasing them so fast? There are in the middle of nowhere.

Shaun Ray Bell

Medela effect I remember seeing this movie in the theaters back in 2012 πŸ€”

Zawraqh Andari

the guy said wade is dead when he Bradley is dead!! How is Wade Wilson dead??

Karen Dannals

wolverine is my favorite x men


looks like the guy from antman that introduces antman to antman is in this movie but obviously he's younger. 42:29 is the time stamp!