X-Men: The Last Stand - 2006
When a cure is found to treat mutations, lines are drawn between the x men --led by Professor Charles Xavier--and also the Brotherhood, a group of powerful mutants organised under Xavier's former ally, Magneto.

Andrea Milner

I've watched the first 3 films back to back and they are just as good now as when they came out

Glenn Carver-seabrook

Nothing against Iceman, but sad love story between Gambit and Rogue in the comics is so much better. Neither one can touch the other because they'd kill each other.

Jon Doe

i think Rebecca Roman Stamos did a way better job as Mystic than Jennifer Lawrence


How they going explain to the families of those soldiers that got turn to dust never come home 💀💀

Zawraqh Andari


Elana Sparks

I'm going to watch all of today. It's my X-MEN day

Zawraqh Andari

a bald girl/boy playing with toys n a white boxed room??? sounds like eleven

Glenn Carver-seabrook

Thankfully, they got The Juggernaut right in Deadpool 2.

Jon Smith

x men first class fucjed these movies all up really and truly especially since they made it to were 5he movies r connected


i wish rogue could fly and had her super strength in these movies and that hillbilly accent she spoke with lol badass rogue

Zawraqh Andari

everytime one of the FUCKING white old men say "mutans r a disease" I FUCKING will kill there ass. this is who they r. and I don't think they want to change

Adam Wizel

very impressive display of wolverines healing factor

Glenn Carver-seabrook

The first time I watched this movie, I was absolutely shocked by Xavier's death.


I loved this X-Men cause it angel in it the beast, Iceman Pyro and other X-Men

Daniel Kariuki

I agree with Magneto I wouldn't blame them if they shot Jean with the cure.

Kai Caster

That part where Iceman tells Rouge "that's not what I wanted" just pissed me off. Like bitch fucked off you don't own her!? Da fuck.. #toxicmuch

Glenn Carver-seabrook

I love Ellen Page, and I love Shadowcat. So, Ellen Page playing Shadow cat is perfect.

Zawraqh Andari

noooo he should have kept Mystique, she could be a friend

Jon Doe

"I'm the Juggernaut bitch"

Zach Poyner

I love x-men movies