X-Men - 2000
2 mutants, both Rogue and Wolverine, come to an exclusive academy to their kind whose resident superhero group must oppose a terrorist organization using abilities that are similar.

Frank G. Ruiz

I didn't like that they changed rogue's backstory as well as Sabertooth and wolverine's. it's a good thing marvel got the rights back and maybe fix this problem. they should have included beast since he was one of the originals along with angel.

Arabella Baldock

16:50 "Suddenly, my life doesn't look so bad." bitch do you wanna get thrown outta the truck??

K. R. (Kenny)

I hate the fact they made Storm so weak in these movies... she was my favorite one...(reading the comic books growing up 40+ years ago). and WHY take their original clothing away... this really did not live up to the comic books AT ALL ๐Ÿ˜ž

Glenn Carver-seabrook

This movie could have gone very wrong in so many ways, a huge gamble that paid off better than a lot of people expected.

Davon mcleod sr.

Jackman movies are all favorite for me point

Jon Smith

it's crazy how weak the xmen r in this movie compared to the new version of them or young version

Brian McBride

I can not cast this movie to my TV, it is all scrambled up on the screen, yet, it plays fine on my tablet, and phone. It only happens when I try to cast it to the TV. The same thing happens if I try to play the old movie, Ben-Hur. can anyone tell me why or if it happens to you.


I'm trying to re-watch them all.

Edison Alcordova

I love the movie it's so good


great movie to enjoy with your family


Ugh, bring back Liev Schreiber as sabertooth. at least his claws were extendable and retractable.


I didn't like the fact that threw out the whole movie the X-Men was getting there ass kick. what happened to the rest of the X-Men like beast, gambit,

Andrea Milner

Awesome movie

Jennifer Theimer

one of the best shows ever


rogue needs to have a movie about herself like a throwback when she could fly


glad i found these again one of my favorite Marvel Movies (series)


๐Ÿค˜๐Ÿ’€๐ŸคŸ alright, alright, alright

Shemar Hutchinson

I'm doing this for Deadpool 3

Sergius Harty

What a great start to a fast dwindling franchise. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ‘

erick estrada

i lov cyclops james marshall