X2 - 2003
Professor Charles Xavier and his group of genetically gifted superheroes face an increasing wave of anti-mutant opinion led by Col. William Stryker. Jean Grey, Wolverine and storm must combine the scheme of Stryker to be -- unhinged by their nemeses -- Mystique and Magneto.

Glenn Carver-seabrook

They really missed out on the sad love story between Rogue and Gambit in these movies.

Glenn Carver-seabrook

In the comics, Mystique is Nightcrawler's mother.


Honestly either a really stupid or a really weird question: Can't rogue and Iceman "do it" if he wears "protection" I mean I don't think rogue is like acid, right?


omg Logan is like twice as old as her

erick estrada

did jean gray really died n this movie

Zawraqh Andari

jean looks like Black widow in thislike a lot


Gawd damn why is there is many brain dead comments plp asking the dumbest question


One of the best X films still!

Bradlee Cauble

How is she even back when Logan put his claws through her and killed her in the 1st X-Men movie. Lame!!

Sergius Harty

You would think someone as smart as Charles would put safety rails along Cyribro...you know...for those of us who walk.

Jose Cruz Tovar

did anybody catch night crawler already in the room with kids. but yet he's with storm

Ernest Morua

damn Hugh Jackman was young in this film

Jacob Ussery

who mystique and nightcrawler


Iceman's brother just mad he doesn't have powers lol

Bradlee Cauble

So really he would've never escaped. 🙄

Eli Salazar

bro shut the fuck up