Young Guns - 1988
A team of young gunmen, led by Billy the Kid, become deputies to avenge the murder. But when Billy takes their authority too far, they eventually become the hunted.
Tammy DeBoard
The truth is there were more than this movie tells us about. There were like 10 or 12 of them. Billy was not the leader. Doc lived to be an old man. You can find the whole story of them on YouTube.
Louis Brennan
it REALLY doesn't matter if the movie tells the whole truth or not, that's why it is just a movie. Some people need to get a grip
Juan Galvan
f pat n f the government to only real men is what we respect
Jason Webb
Here is a fact that a lot of people don't know. Emilio Estevez has something in common with Mr. Charlie Sheen and that's their dad Martin Sheen. Emilio and Charlie Sheen are half brothers. I thought it was cool when I found this out about 15 years ago and figured I'd share it.
Tammy DeBoard
How did Charlie get Thorn's in his butt? He was sitting on a horse the whole time. I never got that. And the Texan saying "Spank your bottom blue. Shouldn't it be Red?
Tammy DeBoard
Do you know that Chivato means rat or traitor? In Navajo it means baby goat. Now why do they have Chavez calling Billy that in the movie? Makes no sense. Goggle it.
Tammy DeBoard
At 43:32 Has anyone ever noticed that when Steve is on his horse and shots his gun you can see a hand come up from holding the horse? At the bottom right.
always been my favorite version of Billy the kid
Tammy DeBoard
Actually it wasn't called The Santa Fe ring. It was called The House. I saw a Doc about it the other day.
Tammy DeBoard
Billy was trying to steal from John when John caught him he gave him a job. John was not killed on The New year like it says in the movie. He was actually killed in February and he was alone.
Tammy DeBoard
Does anyone notice that at 43:30 the hand that is holding Steve's horse? When he fired the shotgun you can see it.
Billy J Ullom
one of the best westerns ever made my opinion,,, pals
WT Smart
I remember going to the theater when this came out today is the first time I've seen it since then
Brian McCloskey
Don't know the truth but it sound like it . McCloskey
Trevor Bailey
I'm here I'm here he might be the kid walking around keep going walking
another good movie is Old Henry
Louis Brennan
Both movies are 2 of my favorites OF ALL TIME. PERIOD
Lakeshia Pierson
pals going down in the blades of glory
Thomas Davidson
Jj Tj
chivato half man half goat, devil....
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