You're Not Alone - 2023
When his flight is delayed coming home from a business trip, Keith Mitchell has to leave his daughter Alexis, who’s stuck at home under house arrest, alone for the night. Once Keith is finally in the air with full bars of WiFi, he notices a stranger enter the house on his security system. Unable to warn Alexis when the WiFi suddenly cuts out, Keith sits helpless from 30,000 feet in the air while his daughter fights for her life.

Tabetha's Gaming Site

The Father Taught his Daughter how to Fight and protect herself and she had no other choice but to kill That copycat killer and the good news is she is safe from that copycat killer and she got him right were she got him and she had no other choice but to kill him.

amy siders

Movie was ok just needed a bigger budget & thsy definetly took the idea of the movie from 2 other movies like where if she had been babysitting. Cause that was mainly the dff. Stilla good watch just need better budget & replace some of the not good actors that is just my opinion[

Reymundo Grado Jr

the dad is in the airplane nobody wants to lend him a cell phone or the airplane phone the flight attendant is is a cunt if it was her daughter fixing to die she would anything to try to save her too


why did her father lie about getting away to the gun getting rid of the gun

Laura R

Great ending. She got away with murder justified.


Why is Keith Sweat talking like he has a frog in his throat?lol


sorry about that I forgot about the damn cop


so Erica Mena got a little job in the movies

Reymundo Grado Jr

fake acting

Reymundo Grado Jr

retarded movie

Jackee Taylor

Very good movie!


Good movie