Zulu - 1964
In 1879, during the Zulu wars, man-of-the-people, Lt. John Chard and snooty Lt Gonville Bromhead were responsible of protecting the isolated Natal outpost of Rorke's Drift from tribal hordes, carrying out throughout an Alamo-like siege till they are overrun, losing the battle, but moving down in history as heroes. 150 soldiers defended a supply station against a few 4000 Zulus, aided by the Martini-Henry rifle"with some guts behind it". In the 100 years because the Victoria Cross is made for valour and extreme courage beyond that due to the soldier in face of the enemy 1344 have been granted. Eleven of them were won by the defenders of the mission station at Rorke's Drift, Natalto the 23rd 1879.

Vernon Winston

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