After Death - 2023
Based on real near-death experiences, the afterlife is explored with the guidance of New York Times bestselling authors, medical experts, scientists and survivors who shed a light on what awaits us.

Aaron Hagood

i have also experienced life after death. god is real and its my hope that mankind can learn to change. to believe and spread love and kindness. because satan wants our destruction. to care about all the wordly things that in gods eyes and in the end.well they dont matter.

Mylah Lirette

UGH. All right you tell me the answer if I say what my hellish afterlife was like! okay so when I died I saw a black tunnel and somehow I............was falling in the tunnel then it speeded up the process now I was really going to Hell then I appeared in a darkish gray hospital

Danny Guy

Would you support those who do these horrible acts or else (I'll punish you more)? Do unto others as you would do to yourself, but if it is not returned, stop interacting. You will find the torture increases. They will play good, but blame you. Judge them by their character.

Danny Guy

They are conditional. ? ... conditional love? They believe to do unto others as they would never have done to themselves. Would you destroy your child? what if you were the child? Could you never stop punishing your best servant because it didn't thank you for the black eye?

Danny Guy

Mylah. Nobody cared to answer. Great people. Forgive yourself. This is a place of master and servant. Be neither. Be the best you can be without giving up who you are. It is not your guilt. It is their shaming you for being good. It is something they don't know how to be.

Danny Guy

I made you. You are property. My love is pretend and conditional. I will hurt you and shame you for my enjoyment and entertainment because you can't live up to the great me. Thanks, Dad!

Kelly Kresge

I love life that God has blessed me with and I can't wait to look into my lord and saviors eyes and tell him how grateful I am that he died for me while I was a sinner while he was completely innocent of every charge he didn't argue he didn't raise his voice he forgave his killer

Uncommon Sense

Pt 5) "God" who is narcissistic, immature, and jealous of the other God's that he says don't exist but still made a commandment.The 1st 4 commandments case in point. But look how far science has brought human civilization. Only for belief in Myths & fairy-tales still today...

Uncommon Sense

pt 3) Turned into 3 separate & totally different religions that we call Abrahamic. All started thousands of years ago by Abraham, who people brag about today. The father who didn't think twice when the voice in his head told him to sacrifice his only son to please the voice he

Uncommon Sense

Pt 1)You know what? I'm done being nice. That's not helping anything.You nicely tell any Christian scientifically proven facts to dispute whatever ridiculous statement they wholeheartedly believe.So much they waste years, having blind faith in bronze age fairy-tale nonsense.


looooong bloody story short I met death head on, literally. I fell asleep driving home from a day of over doing it. I was found dying then comatose for 3 weeks. Jesus is God Almighty amen I was called sin then the Savior Yako Romero in my independent wrestling career.

Uncommon Sense

Pt 6) and what started that rant is, already having the belief that is what you will experience, is it great indicator of why you experienced exactly what you believed you would experience after the near death scenario. The power the brain has is unimaginable.

Uncommon Sense

Pt 2) Christianity, Judaism, and Islam are considered a monotheistic religion. They only believe in one God. Which these 3 very ridiculously different religions. Share or "believe in" the same deity. What started as unknown voices in 1 man's Schizophrenic head.

Uncommon Sense

Pt 4) He calls God. We praise and idolize someone who should have said Fuck No! What kind of psycho asks someone to murder their child. So you can prove your belief & and blind obedience to an imaginary,

Luis Corral

God bless everyone and I pray that the unfortunate ones somehow find Jesus and love one another amen

Danny Guy

If God let you do anything you wanted to do without punishment, what would you do?

Mylah Lirette

am I going to Hell because I repent my own evil sins


one of the BEST documentaries I've ever seen.... worth the watch! God and his love are real & infinite ♾️ πŸ’™πŸ™πŸΎ

yung staauber

this movie is amazing,made me think about my mom who I had to let go, and I know I will see her again one day


it not better to do anything at are 530am.that normal 530 am