Altered Perceptions - 2023
A psychological thriller that probes the neurology of identity and the age old problem of mind and brain. What happens when the human brain becomes toxic? When thinking becomes hallucinatory in intensity. When we appear to have lost the emotional, the concrete, the personal aspects of functioning. When our sense of reality is virtually destroyed.

Adam Crosby

clearly a leftist political position behind this. but it was absolutely horrible. terrible writing and horrible acting and what the fuck was with all the fucking dicks and gay story line bullshit.. absolutely disgusting movie. also how is this a bootleg?!?!

Adam Mathew

still shoving it our faces it's OK to have mental problems everyone nothing wrong with men kissing men balls slapping other balls fuck I'm so sick of it ! do whatever the f u want but stop shoving it in my face

Tanya Roberts

lol this movie is what you'd get if you let an AI take all the shit our phones get from spying on the craziest of us and made a movie I do like it though, even if I do feel like wearing a hockey mask because of all the πŸ† shots, thank God it's not 3D

Mr. Southside

how in the fuck did this shit get a 7.1 who in the fuck wrote this shit I'm not even finishing the movie I just skim through it skipping it along and everything that I landed on was fuck shit please whoever wrote this do not write another mother fucking movie a day in your life

James Mcmurray

i cant believe in this day and age that they would make a movie that was so racist what a stupid ass movie i think someone should shoot the author

Mr. Southside

and if you do have another strip written you should take that shit to your backyard shoot the fuck out of it burn it then bury that bitch and then dig your grave right next to it get in that mother fucker and then shoot yourself

Erika Aybar

5 minutes in and I don't want to watch more.. I see why not that many comments or likes.

Javier Lara

I gave it the benefit of the doubt but movie really sucks BIG time and gose to show how Homos with MONEY or anyone with money can be a director' of a very lowbedged movies it sucks and pushes the Homoshitstuff to far to the point of that's what the homo-Director is wanting πŸ˜•


IDGAF and I'll never want to overstand why a man would act/live a such way but I don't need to have that shit shoved in my fucc'n face on errr fucc'n platform just cuz you think it's ok(trifling and disgusting) keep that faggot shit to ya' self πŸ’―


how real life is a lot , racism and prejudice against the LQBTQUIA community. They threw the seniors in to deflect, I guess. Lieingmisleadingg politicians and agendas. Nudity was left field. I did live how he loved his parent's.


An instant classic... like star wars and the godfather on ice. a must see in 23


This might be the stupidest movie of all times I think the budget was only$5.89 Peractor and they paid them the rest.And food because the calf is homeless people dressed up in clothes

Shonte Spears

U gotta know wats goin on to get this movie...truth in plain sight πŸ’―

Bill B

ew wtf if it's got gay sh$t then good looking for the comments about it straying away from mental health and about something


this is EXACTLY what's going on in the world. if u know, u know.


two grown yt men indulging in such foil acts🀒🀒🀒I'm not finna watch this any further....πŸƒπŸΏβ€β™‚οΈ

Erika Aybar

This movie must suck cuz barely any comments and barely any likes even the dislikes are low. Uuh Oh! let's see

Valerie BK

frequency fucking with the 🧠🧠🧠

wiccan woman

nobody has commented! oh no! this must not be a good movie πŸ€¦πŸ½β€β™€οΈ

Tijuanaso loco
