Beloved - 1998
After Paul D. finds his old slave friend Sethe in Ohio and moves in with her and her daughter Denver, a strange girl comes along by the name of "Beloved". Sethe and Denver take her in and then strange things start to happen...


How does she know how to spell? And how does a dead baby's body grow up into this big beautiful woman? And what happened to her pregnant body? I've watched this movie since I was a young girl, I know my questions are stupid because it's a movie


I watch this movie since I was a little girl that movie was deep and it don't make any sense but this movie is something

Nicole Wofford

Paul D was the only one that noticed how fucked up Beloved was and her evil intentions to destroy Setha, I always thought he was the one in the wrong I ng but no Beloved came to destroy Setha.. Maybe I'm spelling name wrong I wrong but I get it now..

Dawn Brown

l have watched this movie since I was young I love it, but it surely is weird as HELL

Quiana Preston

....was the child real or just an hallucination?🤔

Tanya Roberts

I don't really know what I just watched but I liked it except I don't get the pregnancy at the end, also why is everyone naked?

Brian Campbell

one of my favorite movies

Tenisha Carter

I can watch over again

Ife Ayo Mirembe

meaning of the story is spirit of her baby was tearing her ass up

Tony White


Olivia Gilliam

I love this movie


it's based on true events

Raquel Hewitt

this my first time watching the movie and I'm 30


Garbage. No wonder it was a box office fail.

trulee kemp

fucking wild ass movie


Great movie


Good movie

Sheila Bonner
