Dark Skies - 2013
From the producers of Paranormal Activity, Insidious, and Sinister comes Dark Skies: a supernatural thriller that follows a young family living in the suburbs. As husband and wife Daniel and Lacey Barret witness an escalating series of disturbing events i

Scott Morton

I know the alien phenomena is real I've seen things that I can't explain from a early age till now. I've seen light's in the night sky I've been fascinated about aliens and UFO sometimes I feel like I'm different sometimes because of my fascination aliens and UFO's 👽👽

Jon Smith

this movie seems like it was 3 hours long but damn the last 20 mins made it a good movie

Pete The Meat

Good Alien feel about this movie. My wife was next to me and when this,movie finished, she was still next to me. So I guess the aliens weren't that interested in her. I recommend watching Poltergeist, now that was a darn good movie.

Scott Morton

this movie is one of the most horrifying alien movies I've ever watched besides fourth kind if you haven't seen the fourth kind you need to very good

Paula Dille jones

Because of this movie I may not sleep tonight! Extra spooky

Frank Smith

this is more than just a movie .read between the story lines

Rhonda Thomas

I wish they would make a part 2 this movie was good


there's ghosts in the house and nobody turns on the lights

Harold Craig

there's no Aliens here on Earth. Besides we're to far in the Cosmic Boondocks to be discovered. Good movie though.

Salvador Moran

amazing true story there here no want believe it until is to late

Ran The Man. !!!????✌????

Wow a pretty good movie 👽☄️. !!!😎✌🏿

Tara White (Nurse Terra)

This could be good. I'll give it a go.


be nice if there was a part 2

Billy Mccormick