Eternals - 2021
The Eternals are a team of ancient aliens who have been living on Earth in secret for thousands of years. When an unexpected tragedy forces them out of the shadows, they are forced to reunite against mankind’s most ancient enemy, the Deviants.

Josh Derck

Pretty good movie. But woke B.S. has no place Marvel. The kiss between two dudes is totally unacceptable in movies geared towards families with younger children and there relationship between a mortal man and a 7000 yr old Eternal man is kinda pushing acceptability.

Douglas Bagarry

this is a good movie I haven't finished it yet but if these are new characters and they last they don't die for the end then you all should look at this as the beginning of these characters and yes this movie is going to be a little bit boring but it's just the introduction.


The worst marvel movie I've ever seen. Long, boring and shallow. Do not recommend this to anyone, unless they want to fall asleep with bland dreams. Hopefully they just let this go, don't even bother spending time and money on another one. 1/10.

Ashley Hayes

hell of spine twist wrote from mythological history, unfortunately I've to agree with Josh. this genetic defective gay,lesbo whatever you wanna call them inhumans scurge is proof of brainwashing being used on billions of children.personally all its like this need to die

Brandon Sandoval

took me five mins to get one of your ads off my screen stupid bitches fuk this site download Cinema and watch everything that's on here entirely ad free fuk u tuner u all suk dick we're all downloading cinema ha ha ha u stupid cpcksuckers

Carlos M

see what you people are missing about the gods are yes these beans are real and yes they sleep with men and women. because God is a amiglia it can't stop creating it will not stop creating and it likes good and bad you guys have no idea what you're in for on this Earth 616

Dean Chauvin

So the fallen angels went against God and thought they were doing the right thing but really were being arrogant and disobedient and literally screwed everything up to the max. Also along the way deceived nearly all of humanity bringing them down with them.

Ronald Ellerbee / Ricky

I think the movie was pretty good new characters to look forward was pretty good....stop hating..

Brandon Sandoval

getting sik of your every two second ads and how impossible it is to get rid of em fuk u bitch I'm reporting u guys for piracy bitch and I'm downloading cinema again fuk u tuner suk my dick u retarded cock sukers


Honestly, smoking a J won't even help this movie. Perhaps decent popcorn would make it Bearable.It's a joke of a movie. Terrible acting. Even worse cgi. It's like it was made for tweens.Biggest marvel disaster.

Heracio Diaz

I've waited so long to see a marvel movie(spider-man) for ever and finally I got it so yeah stop hating you dicks.. from comic book to real yeah it's not gonna be as awesome as a comic but it is awesome marvel

Orlando Dorantes

this movie is/and will continue to age well didn't like it at first..but is much better than I remember


It was doomed from the start as The Eternals are more or less just expanded background material in its original state. Not only is the movie boring, but it can be cringe inducing at times. MCU fans can skip this one.

Walter Lyman

I turned it off as soon as it got predictable and boring . im.just worn out on CGI flicks with superheroes. the Dark knight is a masterpiece. no superhero movie compares .all these multi universes etc . just not original film making anymore . it may be good to the die hard fan

Tim Burns

I went to the comment section to see if anyone else hated the homo shit, I was thinking it was gonna be like YouTube and sensor me but no, so fuck it, all you people enjoying this homo-queer ass movie should save your souls, there isn't any gay shit going down in heaven [007

Juan Carrillo

guy's you really need 2 grow up and have an open mind it's not back in the old days.. every action movie has someone kissing someone so what if it's 2 men how does that affect you or even matter look I'm straight and man kissing another man doesn't change my way of who I am


this is the best marvel movie anyone who says otherwise needa help and has brain damage.

Brandon Sandoval

it's impossible just to click a fucking x to so I'm always directed online or to playstore fuck u tuner radio suk my dick


Such a good movie 🍿

Nathan Williams

this was a good movie. if you thought it boring, then when you grow up. as an adult watch it. you'll like it