Gallipoli - 1981
Brave and youthful Frank and Australians Archy --both agile runners--become friends and Recruit in the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps together. They later are a portion of the Dardanelles Campaign on the Gallipoli peninsula, a brutal conflict which pit their allies and both the British against the Ottoman Empire and left 500,000 men dead.
jaco king
no one has commented, this is an absolute gem of a movie I hope this reaches someone who will watch the full movie
Danny Chapman
look i was told to update from tuner radio to this and as soon as i do words come out before someones mouth starts moving!!!!! what in the actual fuck!!!!!!!
Anne Collins
saw it a long time ago. It was great then and still is now
If you'd like to see another excellent, early Mel Gibson movie, you should check out 1982's The Year of Living Dangerously
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