Girl Lost - 2018
Girl Lost tackles the dilemma of under age prostitution as told through the eyes of a teen. Groomed by her own mother to work at the underbelly of Los Angeles, the young girl struggles to live in this world that is darkened.
Mark a Saye
Totally unrealist to 99.9% of lost girl stories. They don'trun away into a romantic consensual relationship. They are snatched up immediately and sold into sex slavery and never fun away from their captors or allowed to kill themselves. I'm sure they wish for death everyday.
Dustin Walls
what I like about this movie is that the girl kills her self because she can't live without Jamie
Dustin Walls
in the beginning I can't believe the old man loves the little girl
Dustin Walls
why did they have to kill Jamie
Fuck You
Lensi Asseigne
it's ok
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