Happy Feet - 2006
Into the world of the Emperor Penguins, who find their soul mates through song, a penguin is born who cannot sing. But he can tap dance something fierce!

Forever man Coleman

Me to this movie bring back memories

Tammy DeBoard

The Emperor Penguin has to be the toughest animal out there. For months they don't eat they stay through the worst winter anywhere. They do all that just to raise a chick. To the Emperor Penguin 🐧

Tammy DeBoard

I wonder why they gave the Adelie Penguins a Spanish accent? That's funny.

Pam Thomas

I'm 64 years old and I NEVER get tired of watching this movie

Michael Kpalobi

One of my favourite childhood movies omg I miss when the world was a happier place in the 2000s 😭


I remember watching this on tubi with my little bro good times

Tammy DeBoard

I like little movies like this. They also have some famous people in this.

Denise Terry

love the movie

Fishing with Cristina

I love this movie and It delivers a powerful message. I love fishing but I only catch 2 or 3 fishes I don't keep more.

Jakiaya Harrell

This movies are my childhood 😁

Zahir Broadnax

that it does

Jeremias Robles

first movie I watched on this app, AND YOU CAN COMMENT ASWELL, I'm sold.

Toney Estivene

I watched it before Happy Feet I watch it again

Ruth Jordan

vcb fbbcbt. v vcb bcbb

Terrell Antonio

shout out to happy feet

Heather John

I love this movie


this movie is beautiful

Faith Smith

I loveee it

Kimberly Solis Morales

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