The Banana Splits Movie - 2019
A boy named Harley and his family attend a taping of The Banana Splits TV series, that will be a fun-filled birthday for both Harley that was young and business as usual for Rebecca, producer of the sequence. But things take an unexpected turn - and your body count rises. Would also their pals, his mom and also Harley gradually escape?
I like I love this because I never seen this in my whole entire life I love banana splits and their real life I will want to meet them so badly
Wendell Porter
I am a huge fan of the Banana Splits, And I personally Didn't know that Someone had thought of making a Horror Movie about them, I've seen it before, and I loved it.
Kenden Williams
I can't believe my favorite character went crazy but the storky didn't my favorite character was Drooper
Adriel Mejia
movie is the best movie I ever seen I am a boy and I love this scary and as murder and cussing and it's so scary I just love it
Jordan Parting
it's sad to see my favorite character snorky die but this movie is so fucking cool
Rory Chappelle
I used to have nightmares as a little, girl, them singing it in slow motion, kidnapping me in a burlap, sack. I should of c. that short story I uploaded!¯\_(☯෴☯)_/¯
Marc Gordon
Just like Winnie the Pooh's slasher 😮💨 They've ruined😠😡🤬 another childhood favorite by remaking it into a dull slasher 😤
Lashavian Richardson
It's funny
Rayna Cook
bro hurts my heart cause snorky was tryna protect the kid
Earl Jones
oh yeah I grew up watching the show in the crazy 60's what fun loved the show good movie !!
Jonatan Otero
I love and I love how black girl goes cycling when the man over so exciting dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead blood now I'm psycho
Christopher Riley
this movie is grate but I hope there is a sequel cuz you can't just leave us a bad you see trooper reactivate and you see that lady in an owl costume he's got anymore what you think will happen in the sequel if there is one
Xander Monroe
Constantinople conclusion activated computed konichiwa nyashudia local hot wars GPS Carnage room burned face comfortable conclusion correct contemplate contemplate all the things you have done
Robert Perry
I hate how my fav character died and went evil and yes it's bingo rip bingo in replies
Theresa Sainato
Back when this was popular, 197? I would have nightmares of these guys kidnapping me and tossing me in a cold, car, trunk. Weird! I should have exploited this a long time ago?
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