My Little Pony: Equestria Girls - Forgotten Friendship - 2018
The story follows Sunset Shimmer, who (using her powers) finds out that her friends' memories of her have been mysteriously erased, resulting in them getting amnesia. Determined to set things straight, she'll need Princess Twilight's help from Equestria in order to find out the source of what caused her friends' memory loss.
Jeremiah Smith
I had to watch this movie on YouTube but now that I found this app I love I can watch it
Joel Diaz
l had to watch this movie on YouTube but now that l found this app l love l can watch it [013
Jeremiah Smith
I had to watch this on YouTube until I found this app and I love it so that's this movie
Alicia feasel
Yay omg magic of friend ship
George Harmon
I feel so bad for glitter shine but it's good
Alicia feasel
rainbow dash whooooooahahahahah
Gadiel Lopeze
thank God I can whach this because it's doesn't work on YouTube
Andrea George
I love watching my little ponys because I am a my little pony
Dominick Walker
this is my 12th time watching this
Rick Maldonado
I love my little pony
Dianne l
Republic gunship
Gadiel Lopeze
my kid love this
Dianne l
Light Her Up Girls
Dianne l
venator resolute
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