Reagan - 2024
Told through the voice of former KGB agent Viktor Petrovich, whose life becomes inextricably linked with Ronald Reagan's when Reagan first caught the Soviets’ attention as an actor in Hollywood, Reagan overcomes the odds to become the 40th president of the United States.

Scot “scotty” Charron

just like trump, his brother the story teller alcoholic...... if you liked Ronald Reagan TRUMP WILL BE EVEN BETTER FOR THIS COUNTRY, ESPECIALLY IN A TIME LIKE NOW!

Jason Webb

Dennis Quaid is one hell of an actor. And from what I understood, he was retired from acting. When they asked him if he would like to play Former President Reagan, he jumped at the opportunity. Reagan is probably the Greatest President in my lifetime and that says alot.

Blazing Graph-X

If Trump is so racist, why did he endorse giving money to Jesse Jackson when he was running for president. FYI, KKK and racists don't like blacks. Oh yeah by the way i'm black. Trump for president. The last four years been a mess.

Scot “scotty” Charron

this country was always rich when there was a rep in office and trump will make it so, if the left stop fighting and start working with him

Scot “scotty” Charron

when Reagan was POTUS the country was rich!!!! I remember as a kid there was a bike path sidewalk all around the city I lived in, in SOUTH DAKOTA I lived 10 miles from Mt Rushmore


we literally have illegal immigrant Haitians eating ducks geese and cats in Ohio as we speak and the only reason why Democrats let them in are borders is to vote Democrat not to help us any or to help them.

Itzah C. Kret

Amurikkka's biggest drug kingpin. Ironically started an anti-drug program run by his wife called "Just Say No to Drugs" 🤔. I'm a 80s kid and it's amazing how fast crack was created by the C!A and immediately swept rapidly from Compton then across the country in months. Truth 😐

Mark a Saye

I was one of 1/2 a million to 1 million who proudly enlisted under President Reagan proudly served going to war under President Bush and with no pride got out under Clinton. Yes I agree President Reagan was the best in my 60 years.


regardless if you think Reagan was a good president or not he was for the military industrial complex and that establishment. JFK and Trump are the only presidents in recent history that are against the establishment.

David Toale

economy was great with trump and everything went thru America how is that bad people need to stop watching all the fake news!!!!


Excellent movie, like living it all over again! We definitely need Trump again

Scot “scotty” Charron

me and my buddy used ride our bikes to the gas stations there were arcades like at malls now, except they would spit out tokens, 30 tokens for a $1

Junior mariano Beas

fuck that racist old fuck trump he ain't never struggled just like most Americans take a look around all homeless are white Americans with full benefits and right to work and look at us IMAGRANTS crossings borders that crosseds us you crakers came from Europe

Valerie Dee

Democrats please stop leaving your victim hood mentality comments. First you're bullies, and you don't have to watch this. I remember Reagans physical fitness challenges. If you did well you got a reward. They need to bring that back. I hope Trump does!

Rodney Armstrong

Ronald Reagan was a coward who got shot and handed America over to the New World Order. the facts are facts. he nominated Daddy Bush his voice president, the first man to say, we have a chance to forge this new world order.

Timothy Spagnola

this movie was really good. but the comment section is disgusting. Reagan didn't cheat on his wife with a pornstar like Trump. The Trumptards need to realize Trump is pimping them out


Academy Award for Best Actor for SURE!! And if he doesn't, they screwed him like they did Trump.

Tonya 7

this is the respect an dignity we are missing....ask you want someone u respect or someone who respect earn your respect...grow up people...learn from this

Tara White (Nurse Terra)

The only thing I remember about Reagan was him being the president when I was a kid. The "Just say No" movement, right 80s, kids! That plan backfired like mad.

Glynn Mayson

The Bullitt ,,that Trump felt on his ear . should be Found ? I bet he would pay big bucks to have it. ?