Street Fighter Assassin's Fist - 2014
A multi-layered series that looks back to the formative years of Ryu and Ken as they live a traditional warrior's life in secluded Japan. The boys are, unknowingly, the last practitioners of the ancient fighting style known as "Ansatsuken" (Assassin's Fist). The series follows them as they learn about the mysterious past of their master, Goken, and the tragic, dark legacy of the Ansatsuken style. Can their destiny be changed, or will history repeat itself?

Jeffrey McClellan

yeah Subtitles would have beet nice my Japanese is rusty

Antonio nicholes

no lie, I love this movie. Ever since I saw this movie, it's been my #3 movie in life that I love

Jose Ortega

this is a good classic movie, but it would be nice if you guys made a new updated movie to compliment this one, & make a better one as "PART 2!!!" . So what's up, let's make this happen people please..🙏

Daniel.cindy Martinez

damn I would like to see a fighter at the end of the movie

Paul Maxwell

this is the best movie I've seen based on a martial arts fighting game they kept it true to the Street Fighter origin story


they said free movies! you gave your word,Now keep it! Free movies, All .That,s why download ,your app. Are you an lair or man of your word?

Damien Willis

yes 5 stars but I wish that I could have finished the rest of it not cool YouTube fetchfruit now I don't know how I'm get part 2 but anyway good information but the storyline is well imma ask is there some truth 2 this cause WOW 😳 very eye 👀 opening okay bye now


i couldn't keep watching the movie 4 the following reasons; first I might have like it if it was spoken in its original language and second the white dude looked like a barbie prince 3rd couldn't keep watching it more than 15 mins.

Jamie Hemingway

mad about the ending...every movie has that one final fight scene and this doesn't have it...WHY

Lorenzo Sanders

it would be very nice to know what he endured to accomplish his powers but I don't speak Japanese

Arnaldo Gonzalez

I have always been a street fighter fan and this is the best movie of the game I'v seen to this day!!!

Clayton Beasley

hell I like the first street fighter with Juan Claude van dam better than this cheap ass bullshit!!! they ought to he ashamed for ever even writing the script jmo

Jeffrey McClellan

well fuck that ending sucked where's part 2

Kevin Cruz

the movie is the beast it make more sense if you think about it. they make the game but no movie they should make the other part2 men

John ryan

seemed like a very good movie wish I could have understood it better , subtitles ftw

Daniel.cindy Martinez

this movie is good awesome they did a fantastic job

kilyn krough

they blew all their money on that fire fist, and then couldn't afford subtitles. still way better than mortal Kombat. great movie.

tatcrazzy cline

it was really cheesy especially Ken's wig that was really bad lol

Jose Mercado

klede undoubtedly is by far the best movie app out now


subtitles would help. . .