The Land Before Time X: The Great Longneck Migration - 2003
A bedtime story leads Littlefoot and his grandparents on an journey to a new land, where Littlefoot discovers somebody who vanished until he had been created: his father! Now Littlefoot needs to select between two worlds. Can stay behind and begin a new life together along with his father, or he leave to be at the Great Valley with his friends?
Pink Unicorn
I died of laugher when the longneck said the sun fell out of the sky and they used there long necks to put it back in the sky
but when the sun went dark I realized it was an eclipse the whole time 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂
Rayna LeFevre
They migrated just to watch a Solar Eclipse. I saw the one that happened this year. (2024)
Kristie McIntosh
i used to love this series back in 2020
a FNAF fan game would be a cool concept
Vanity Padilla
I like little foot
Kim Bellamy
Kim Bellamy
Betty Sizemore
love it
Kim Bellamy
Kim Bellamy
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